Food in Relation to Height

Though you certainly have no chance of getting taller if you have already reached the end of your growth considering the factors that affect it, you can certainly find other ways to make the younger generation, especially your children, experience its benefits. It is always better to start feeding the right kind of food that could increase height dramatically instead of weight to children at a pretty early age. With that said, what are the certain types of food that can quickly aid the growth of children's height in the long run?

Calcium-rich foods

Basically, calcium is the principal component in the structure and development of bones. Contrary to popular and traditional belief, milk is not exactly the best source of calcium, especially to children. This is so because it is kind of hard to break down and if it stayed that long in the stomach, it could cause indigestion. Though it would not hurt to drink milk (aside from calcium, it is capable of providing other nutrients), there are better sources of calcium, including cheese, yogurt and yes, ice cream. Letting children eat a piece of bread with cream cheese every morning will definitely pose a number of long term benefits. These also provide Vitamin D, a nutrient that allows the body to easily absorb the calcium. 

Protein and Zinc

the baked oyster

Though not a component in the bone, protein is essential in the development of muscles and other body tissue. Remember, you need to develop and strengthen your muscles in order to make them able to support the bones. Protein can be easily taken from lean beef, poultry, seafood, beans, nuts and legumes. Aside from which, seafood like oysters, clams, fish and scallops are a must, considering that they contain huge amounts of zinc which is another essential component in the development of bones.  With that said, you need to only eat meat that is not rich in fat, considering the fact that if you do, you will grow horizontally, not vertically.

Leafy greens and “seemingly disgusting plants”

leafy green vegetables

Though the consumption of veggies and plant material are not appealing especially to meat lovers and children, this type of food will certainly contribute to making you taller. Vitamin A, which can be taken from carrots, squash and other greens, aids in bone and tissue development, as well as maintaining it. Greens like spinach, cabbages, broccoli and sprouts meanwhile, are pretty rich in fiber, a nutrient that makes digestion and the excretion of solid waste a lot easier.

Water – PURE Water

Given that kids oftentimes visit vending machines and purchase soda rather than water in free drinking fountains, it is essential to instill in their minds the benefits of pure water. Sugary drinks do more harm than good, considering that they dehydrate the body and absorb water. With that said, pure water is a great antioxidant – through urination, it expels a lot of substances that may hamper or impede growth. Aside from which, it makes the body able to absorb the nutrients from the food that is listed above. However, remember to drink eight to ten glasses per day to assure full effect.


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