How Enough Sleep makes you Taller?

There are a few ways how to get taller fast but it usually depends on how you handle yourself or take care of it. Height is primarily determined by your genes. It is passed from your parents and will continue to be passed on to your off springs. If you are blessed with a good height level, it can give several advantages on your part but if not, it may lower your self esteem and will challenge you in facing several social problems you may encounter as you grow older. 

sleep for height growth

On the other hand, you can’t blame your parents for not getting taller fast. Yet, you can make amends on your lifestyle especially in your sleeping habit. Sleep is the only time that your body regenerates and repairs broken tissues. We all know how important sleep is. Literally, we are getting rest from daily workloads. However, getting adequate sleep gives you more than just rest because it is a secret how to become taller naturally. 

There are several studies proving that our body can grow if it is in a deep rested state. As we all know the length of our bones can define our height. Our joints and cartilage contains fluids which are responsible for gaining height. However, during day time these fluids shrink due to gravitational pull that compresses our skeleton and squeeze out the fluid out of the bone’s cartilage. The gravity can be combated if the body sleeps well at night and let the fluid retain in the cartilage. 

Adequate sleep is also essential in maximizing the functions of Human Growth Hormone (HGH). When sleeping the gravity is fought and decompressed so, HGH is secreted efficiently. Also, there are no other activities within your bloodstream and so HGH is used by the body to extend and repair bones and tissues. HGH also thickens and lengthens your bones. 

More so, a good sleeping habit can correct your posture. A good posture will make you look taller than your actual height. Sleeping flat on your back with a small pillow underneath your knees is a sleeping posture that can make you appear taller. 

Adequate sleep at night will also help in relieving stress that can inhibit the activities of toxic elements in your body such as free radicals. If you want to know how to grow taller, sleep is the best answer. However, there are good and bad sleeping habits especially for those who are working. HGH as mentioned above functions at the first or second hour sleeping. So, you must have a deep sleep during night time. 

On the other hand, others may think that paying a sleep debt can help you grow taller. If you think that sleeping whole of Saturday can make up for lost hours during the weekends, you got it wrong. Such sleeping habit will actually hamper your vertical growth. By sleeping at least 6 hours, we mean every night. You must understand that sleep should be part of our daily living and not simply an option. If you are a teenager, or parents with little children and you wonder how to grow taller fast, let them grab a pillow around 9 PM and wake them up around 6AM. Soon, you’ll be amazed they are taller than you are. 


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