Understanding Height: The Factors Affecting Human Growth

In an article in Time Magazine, it was noted that according to a study from National Bureau of Economic Research, men and women who are above average height—5’ 10” for males, 5’ 4” for females—have higher levels of happiness than their shorter fellow. Why are taller people happier? Angus Deaton, an economist in Princeton who is also the co-author of the study, suggests that the result is basically linked to education and income. Taller people often have more access to education, and emerge to have higher income levels than the shorter people. With a good income, they can buy a good lifestyle that is essential to enjoyment, and that is the key!

Although we are not generalizing, it is pretty noticeable in our societies that people with good height are very visible; they can be easily spotted by employers, by their teachers, making opportunities near to them. Not all people are gifted with above the average height, but it does not necessarily mean that you cannot do anything to succeed in life. Even height can be manipulated; as long as you are well-informed of how to take care of your health and live a lifestyle that encourages natural growth.

Before you go and find ways to increase your height naturally, we would like to inform you of the factors that affects human growth. Understanding where you are coming from is an effective solution to grow at your best.

Socio-Economic Factors

Socio-Economic Status

Children who belong to lower socio-economic status or from large families often grow slower and lighter than the kids in more privileged homes. It is assumed that the possible cause is nutrition-related. Kids who are born from professional parents tend to be provided with meals essential for their growth compared to those earning less. This is a very painful reality, but nutrient-related or not, it is a visible trend even in America.


Hereditary Factors

Genetics is one factor that determines the height, but no one can be so sure that when both the parents are tall, the children will also grow tall. The case is the same to shorter people. This is because the patterns of growth within the same family can considerably differ because each child can receive different combination of genes.

Proper diet

Diet and Nutrition

What we eat is what we are not a saying for nothing. Proper diet leads to good health, and good health is essential for growth. Unhealthy eating patterns can contribute to shortness of height. So if you know that your parents do not have those “tall” genes, you better be particular of your lifestyle and eating habits. Exercise is also important to have a leaner, fitter body that is important in looking tall.

good posture


A good posture can make one look taller. Make it a habit to practice good posture even when you are just sitting in your desk. The way we stand, sit, walk, run, and lie down play an important role in looking tall, poised, and confident.


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