What is so good being tall? Is it blocking people’s view in theaters? Is it the risk of always banging your head in the lintel of a low-roofed building? What else? It gives you a chance to become a top basketball player in your high school or a top-paid supermodel when you grow into adulthood? Well, being tall have its own share of disadvantages, just like shirts does not go longer in size, but wider. However, there are undoubtedly hundreds of reasons to become tall...for its more fun to be one.
Height is might is not a famous adage for nothing. Taller people have that charm that gives them higher salary in a workplace, better position in offices, and opens them to many doors of opportunities. Though we are not generalizing, taller people are usually credited for their higher self-esteem. Higher self-confidence is what brings them to the position, that some of them never did dream of.
If you are a tall person who are not aware of the benefits of your gift, or a shorter fellow who still can make a difference in your height, below are few good reasons to have that mighty height.
Taller People…
Easily Gets Noticed
Standing tall is literally standing out in the crowd. So do not be too hard on yourself if somebody calls to stand lower when you are attending a concert. Well, it is difficult to be inconspicuous and unnoticed when you are tall, but if we see it in a different light, growing taller have plenty of advantages. Being easily noticed is something that you can take to your personal benefit since there are plenty of situations in life that it actually pays off to be noticeable. Match that good height with a good, friendly personality and many opportunities will open its portals for you.
Are Perceived To Be Appealing
How many women would answer “tall, dark, and handsome” when asked about their dream guy; and how many men drool over the supermodels of Victoria Secret? Surely, there countless, but do not drown your heart in sadness if you feel that you got that “tall, dark, and never mind” look. People look differently on beauty; however, most of the time, people who are taller than the other are perceived to be attractive. This explains why taller men and women can find their success in dating, money, and career—the same with tall women.
Are Memorable
In a website by Conan Stevens, he shared his experiences about the perks of being tall. He shared how people remember him in business and private life. He once tried to test how people remembers him after a business meeting by making a follow up call with the other attendees. Unsurprisingly, the people he called did not remember his name over that acquaintance, but when he described himself as “the really tall guy,” they instantly recognized. See, people may not remember your name, but they will still know you through your height.
There still are plenty of good reasons to be tall, and those are something for you to discover.
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